Friday, March 17, 2006

Green Cocktail Recipes from the Hawaii Diner

Green Cocktail From the Hawaii Diner Web site: "St. Patrick's Day inspired us here at to seek out something a bit more sophisticated than green beer to celebrate the "The Luck O'the Irish". " The color in these Hawaii Diner Green Cocktail Recipes comes from either mint flavored Cream de Menthe or melon flavored Midori. If you still want green beer, it's easy enough to make yourself. Just add green food coloring, drop by drop, to a beer, until the desired color is achieved. If you don't drink alcoholic beverages, you can add green food coloring to sparkling apple cider., If you want to stay away from artificial coloring, you can buy a green juice drink at your local health food store, and serve it in fancy glasses. You can also celebrate by serving any kind of drink at all in opaque green glasses. Happy Saint Patricks Day!

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